Sunday, February 16 is the 47th day of 2025.
There are 318 days until the end of the year, and the day's zodiac sign is Aquarius.
February: Famous People, Events and Dates in History
February is the 2nd month of the year. It is also the only month that has less than 30 days. Common years have 28 days in February, while leap years add an extra leap day that causes the month to have 29 days.
The word February comes from februum, a Latin word that means to cleanse or purify. The Romans had a purification ritual named Februa which was held annually based on the old lunar-based Roman calendar on the 15th of Februarius (February). Back then, March was the 1st month of the year.
February was the last month of the calendar, having been added together with January (Ianuarius in Latin) after yet another calendar reform by Numa Pompilius. One of the famous days of the month is February 14, St. Valentine's Day holiday that is dedicated for lovers to express their love and affection with gifts.
For some countries in the Northern hemisphere, February is the snowiest month. But in the Southern Hemisphere, the month falls in the middle of summer, characterized by high temperatures.
This Month's Historical Events
3rd February 1690: The first paper money in America was issued in the Massachusetts Bay Colony. Before this date, Americans in the colony used silver coins to trade. But the Chinese and some other Asian countries were already using paper currencies before then.23rd February 1901: German East Africa (a colony that encompassed present-day Rwanda, Burundi, mainland Tanzania and some parts of Mozambique) and Nyasaland (modern day Malawi) agreed on a boundary. Nyasaland was renamed Malawi on 6 July 1964, the date when Malawi gained independence from Britain.14th February 2011: China formally overtook Japan as the world's second largest economy. China had a GDP growth of 10.3% in 2010, while Japan's growth was 4%. 1st February 1991: South African President F.W. de Klerk announced that all the country's remaining apartheid laws would be repealed that year. The laws included all the major laws that had been enacted to enforce the racial discrimination against the majority blacks in the country. Immediately after making the announcement, pro-apartheid white lawmakers protested by storming out of Parliament.4th February 2004: Facebook is launched, then known as The website was made to connect Harvard students with each another. Mark Zuckerberg, while being a Harvard sophomore, launched the website that would later grow to be one of the biggest social media platforms in the world, with more than 2 billion active monthly users in 2022.Popular and Young Celeb Birthdays

Famous People who were Born in February
The following are some of the famous people who were born in February.
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